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Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are one of the most important components of a healthy and balanced diet.

They are essential substances for the human body and cannot be produced by the body itself. The positive effects of omega 3 fatty acids on the human body are manifold, but the intake of the optimal amount is not always easy.
In this blog post, we’d like to address how getting enough can help you live healthier and better in the short and long term, and what really matters when choosing an omega-3 source.

Advantages of Omega 3

Before science understood what fatty acids were, omega 3 (and omega 6) were referred to as “vitamin F”, because even though the chemistry of the substance was not yet known, it was clear that omega 3 fatty acids were important to the body on an incredible number of levels. From cardiovascular to mental health to the immune system, there are a multitude of positive effects. Here’s an overview:

Omega 3 fatty acids are very important for the normal functioning of our heart function, brain, eyes and several other bodily functions.

What Omega 3 can do for us

Omega 3 fatty acids have a variety of positive effects throughout the body. Numerous studies have been conducted on this subject, and it is clear that Omega 3 – or more precisely the important substances DHA and EPA contained in it – contributes to normal heart function and the maintenance of normal cholesterol levels.
Studies have also found that it keeps triglyceride concentrations in the blood within a normal range, and is also essential in maintaining normal brain function and vision.

Omega 3 fatty acids - where to get them?

There are several ways to take omega 3. In addition to chia seeds, soybeans and other seeds, the valuable fatty acids are particularly abundant in almost all types of fish. However, eating large enough quantities of fish not only quickly becomes monotonous, but also expensive. Fish oil has therefore been established as a cheap and practical method of obtaining the required concentration of omega 3. The oil extracted from fish contains the important omega 3 acids in high concentration and is easy to take in the form of capsules.

Not all omega 3s are created equal

If you know Viptamin, you already know that we pay special attention to the quality of nutritional supplements. We realized that it makes no sense to compromise on our health. That’s why we don’t skimp on raw materials or add unnecessary ingredients. We hold the idea of quality high in order to offer you the best possible product. So even with omega 3 fatty acids, there are a few things to watch out for. That is why we have the Viptamin Purity Law, which applies to all our products.

If you know Viptamin, you already know that we pay special attention to the quality of nutritional supplements. We realized that it makes no sense to compromise on our health. That’s why we don’t skimp on raw materials or add unnecessary ingredients. We hold the idea of quality high in order to offer you the best possible product. So even with omega 3 fatty acids, there are a few things to watch out for. That is why we have the Viptamin Purity Law, which applies to all our products.

since 2011

In addition to our purity standards, there are other factors to which we pay special attention for the quality of our fish oil.


EPA and DHA are two acids found in omega 3. However, it strongly depends on the quality of the fish oil in which concentration both substances are present. Only when your body gets enough of both can the effects described above come into play. This is the only way your health can benefit from fish oil.

Heavy metal contamination

The issue of heavy metal contamination in fish is becoming increasingly present. Through the water, fish ingest lead and mercury, which can be harmful to our health. While many other fish oils do not pay attention to this, we make a conscious effort to avoid this problem for our fish oil. How do we go about this? Firstly, our fish come from the particularly clean waters of the South American Pacific. On the other hand, we also make sure to use only small cold-water fish such as anchovies and sardines. Large fish eat small fish and the load of heavy metals increases accordingly. In small fish the load is particularly small – the optimal basis for our high-quality fish oil.

In addition to our purity standards, there are other factors to which we pay special attention for the quality of our fish oil.


EPA and DHA are two acids found in omega 3. However, it strongly depends on the quality of the fish oil in which concentration both substances are present. Only when your body gets enough of both can the effects described above come into play. This is the only way your health can benefit from fish oil.

Heavy metal contamination

The issue of heavy metal contamination in fish is becoming increasingly present. Through the water, fish ingest lead and mercury, which can be harmful to our health. While many other fish oils do not pay attention to this, we make a conscious effort to avoid this problem for our fish oil. How do we go about this? Firstly, our fish come from the particularly clean waters of the South American Pacific. On the other hand, we also make sure to use only small cold-water fish such as anchovies and sardines. Large fish eat small fish and the load of heavy metals increases accordingly. In small fish the load is particularly small – the optimal basis for our high-quality fish oil.

Omega 3 Fischöl

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As you can see, omega 3 fatty acids are particularly important for your body. It is possible to absorb it through food, but it is laborious and expensive. The intake via dietary supplement in the form of fish oil is practical and significantly cheaper, but with many suppliers does not bring the desired effect or can even be bad for you with high pollution. We therefore recommend taking Viptamin Omega 3. For about 1,30€ per day it makes an important contribution to a healthy life. Try it out!

Omega 3 fish oil

available immediatelySaver subscription
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Take out the Bio Protein saver subscription now and save 5%!
This subscription can be cancelled at any time.
High content of DHA and EPA No additives Triple molecular distilled
No sugar
100 softgel capsules, lasts for 33 days

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Omega 3 Fischöl

As you can see, omega 3 fatty acids are particularly important for your body. It is possible to absorb it through food, but it is laborious and expensive. The intake via dietary supplement in the form of fish oil is practical and significantly cheaper, but with many suppliers does not bring the desired effect or can even be bad for you with high pollution. We therefore recommend taking Viptamin Omega 3. For about 1,30€ per day it makes an important contribution to a healthy life. Try it out!

Omega 3 fish oil

available immediatelySaver subscription
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Take out the Bio Protein saver subscription now and save 5%!
This subscription can be cancelled at any time.
High content of DHA and EPA No additives Triple molecular distilled
No sugar
100 softgel capsules, lasts for 33 days

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Ihr Mehr-Wert mit Viptamin Komplett Forte

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Inhaltsstoff Menge pro 22g-Messlöffel Preis bei Amazon
Bio Reisprotein 8g 0,216 €
Vitamin A Palmitat 900 μg 0,809 €
Thiamin 40 mg 0,149 €
Vitamin B2 50 mg 0,028 €
Niacin 77 mg 0,027 €
Vitamin B6 15 mg 0,019 €
Folsäure 800 μg 0,033 €
Vitamin B12 250 μg 0,019 €
Biotin 340 μg 0,015 €
Pantothensäure 50 mg 0,015 €
Vitamin C (basisch) 800 mg 0,611 €
Vitamin D3(100% vegan) 50 μg 0,021 €
Vitamin E (100% natürlich) 134 mg 0,073 €
Vitamin K1 100 μg 0,090 €
Vitamin K2 (MK7 aus nat. Natto) 100 μg 0,027 €
Magnesium 418 mg 0,108 €
Kalzium 335 mg 0,018 €
Kalium 400 mg 0,325 €
Zink 20 mg 0,177 €
Mangan 2 mg 0,032 €
Selen 200 μg 0,087 €
Kupfer 1 mg 0,050 €
Chrom 80 μg 0,058 €
Methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) 500 mg 0,661 €
Lutein 20 mg 0,311 €
Acerola Kirschen natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,012 €
Acai Beeren natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,006 €
Aronia Beeren 50 mg 0,002 €
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Rote Bete biologisch 2600 mg 0,233 €
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