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Merry Merry Sweetness

“Do you know this too? You hold a product in your hand and read there “contains a source of phenylalanine”. Sounds kind of exciting, but what exactly does that tell me now? You’ve probably purchased a food item that has a sweet taste, yet is sugar-free.

Phenylalanine is a vital amino acid that occurs naturally in many foods and also in breast milk. The sweetener, which is broken down into phenylalanine, among other things, during digestion, is called aspartame [1] and has a sweetening power about 200 times greater than a three to four percent sucrose-sugar solution. You’re probably familiar with the little sweetener tablets in the handy dispenser that are available everywhere – that’s aspartame.

There are currently 11 sweeteners authorised in the EU. Cyclamate (30-50 sweetening power); saccharin (300-500 sweetening power); sucralose (7,000-13,000 sweetening power); and several other sweeteners, which are constantly being reviewed and re-evaluated. Some are suspected of being harmful to health or even carcinogenic. Sucralose, for example, should not be heated, while aspartame and acesulfame have been shown in animal studies to interfere with fat and energy metabolism. In addition, it could be shown that sweeteners change the intestinal flora in a very short time in such a way that increased bacteria appeared that release carbohydrates and thus increase the blood sugar level [2]. The popular sweeteners are therefore likely to be ruled out for the time being as tried-and-tested diet items.

And what about stevia?
A real cult has developed around the Paraguayan sweet leaf: sweets from Mother Nature instead of from the big factory. Unfortunately, this is a fallacy. Aluminum salts, synthetic ion exchangers, absorber resins and various alcohols are used to extract the sweetener from the leaves [3]. Due to this chemical treatment, the so-called “steviol glycosides” do not receive organic approval, as their extraction is far from natural…

The better and possibly healthier solution is to make real dietary changes instead of replacing sugar with sweeteners. Reduce sweets where possible. Even if it seems hard at first – your body is a true master of adaptation and will soon stop asking for that extra dose of sweetness.


Oh, sweet Christmas time

“Oh, how sad life would be
there’d be no more sugar.
Children would have no joy,
don’t feel like playing anymore […]

Oh, how life would be ugly,
there’d be no more sugar.
Such a pretty young girl,
would be thick, round and heavy [1].

That’s what advertising for the sweet temptation sounded like as recently as the 1950s. By the 1990s, it was long clear that sugar was not an effective weight-loss tool. Advertising adjusted to this and was geared to the emotions. Then the slogan was “Life laughs with sugar” [2] – a deceptive message, as any diabetic will tell you!

Sugar has over 50 names, hardly anyone can identify at first glance on an ingredient list everything as sugar that is actually sugar. This is precisely why food manufacturers use an extensive vocabulary: Fructose, lactose, galactose, isoglucose and other “-ose”, corn syrup, thick juice, malt, barley malt extract, maltodextrin and many more. [3].

Sugar is one of the most popular flavor enhancers and also one of the most popular socially accepted drugs. The WHO recommends a daily dose of 25 g, but our addiction tempts us to consume about 100 g per capita daily [4]. Many millions of people suffer from it in various ways. Obesity and diabetes are common health consequences of excessive consumption [4]. Millions of people die as a result of a high-sugar diet. Nevertheless, almost nothing happens politically to reduce sugar consumption in the population.

For this reason I recommend: Be your own role model! Radically reduce your sugar consumption and do something good for yourself and your health. Already when buying your food, look for a low total sugar content and prefer products with the label “no added sugar”. Forgo the sweet Christmas platter and lavish binges of pastries and cakes this holiday season. Eat more fresh and sustainably grown vegetables every day instead of fructose-laden fruit. Swap fruit juices for vegetable juices or prepare tasty vegetable smoothies for a change. Good blenders for this are a good Christmas gift for the whole family.


Pain, ease up!

8.3 million Germans take headache tablets every day. That’s 10% of the total population. If one converts the consumption of headache medication to the population, it results that every German swallows 37 tablets per year [1]. Painkillers seem to be extremely popular among women in particular [2].

Painkillers make you feel the pain less, but the cause of the pain is still there. It is not a matter of combating the causes, but of treating the symptoms. Pain is important because it is the body’s own warning and protective mechanism.

Take these signals seriously and always investigate the causes before taking action!

It is not uncommon for pain to be treated with medication. With regular use, gastrointestinal bleeding is common, as well as, ironically, headaches. Paracetamol decreased the ability to empathize with others in an Ohio University study [3].

But are harmful painkillers really without alternative? No!

For inflammation and associated pain, curcumin is a good pain reliever. Outstanding results have been achieved in pain patients by taking probiotics for several weeks. Taking magnesium (relaxing and anti-inflammatory) and omega-3 fatty acids (anti-inflammatory) has also been shown to be beneficial. In addition, omega-3 is used for neck and back pain [4].

From South African devil’s claw to Southeast Asian ginger and Central European arnica. There are numerous alternative pain relievers. Frankincense and cannabis are also used as painkillers.

Curcuma, probiotics and magnesium are essential ingredients of our unique multivitamin Komplett Forte. You can also obtain high-quality omega-3 fish oil capsules from our online shop.


Hip Hip Hooray - Vaccination is Coming Soon

There are currently over 225 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine projects underway, with seven stages to follow. The figures in brackets indicate the vaccines that have reached this stage worldwide (as of 01.12.2020).
Analysis of the virus
Vaccine design (179)
Animal testing (179)
Human trials Phase 1: 10-30 volunteers (22); Phase 2: 50-500 volunteers (14); Phase 3 without evaluator: 10,000-60,000 volunteers (8); Phase 3 with evaluator: 10,000-60,000 volunteers (1)
Start of mass production
Authorisation procedures (2 in the EU)
Supply of the population (0)

In the past, a run from the first to the seventh stage took about 15-20 years [1]. Now they are trying to take the fast lane. One thing is certain: the ideal vaccine with few and mild side effects and lifelong protection against the virus will not exist.

Vaccine manufacturers such as AstraZeneca are keen to leave the responsibility for unforeseeable side effects to the EU and have made this a condition of supplying vaccines – with success, because due to the exceptional fast-track procedure, the European Commission is prepared to accept certain liabilities. The USA even goes one step further and guarantees an exemption from liability in the event of side effects [2].

The EU Commission has granted the companies purchase guarantees and compensation clauses in the event of damage claims in the contracts. In addition, billion-dollar packages have been put together to make a vaccine available worldwide [3].
Since then, good citizens and good citizens have been waiting for their personal dose of luck from the needle.
The risk of a severe corona course remains low. The politically imposed measures to contain the pandemic are clearly felt in all areas of life.

In view of the strong media focus on the issue, there is hardly any question of proportionality, because the invisible threat could overshadow us at any time. Meanwhile, the spotlight shines on those cases with dramatic developments. The more than 40 million people worldwide who have recovered play a subordinate role because they produce less explosive images.

Strengthening the internal defenses also does not seem to be a significant measure in the fight against the virus. Protective clothing, disinfectants, distance from fellow human beings, etc. are external measures that are focused on and can be controlled at any time. Moreover, external measures again generate images that can be captured well in the media and reinforce people’s fears of the invisible enemy.

[3], irritability, bad mood, constant fatigue and cravings? The winter blues sends its regards and with it is not too

Healthy and lively through the dark season

Lack of drive, irritability, bad mood, constant fatigue and ravenous appetite? The winter blues say hello and that is not to be trifled with.

Little light causes the increased release of melatonin, which leads to fatigue. Activity decreases, but appetite increases. In order to increase our well-being, we consume more sugary foods. These can increase serotonin levels, but also our body weight. The result is a strain on the body and the psyche – a vicious circle.

To break this cycle, for example, walks in the fresh air, sporting activities, the enjoyment of beneficial events and, ultimately, social contacts are important [1]. The latter are often severely cut back due to current circumstances, which further complicates the situation.

The way we eat also has a decisive influence on our well-being. Why not use this time to try out healthy recipes? Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits every day – the more colorful the better. Your constant companion, the immune system, will reciprocate. 

In order to be optimally supplied, I additionally recommend the regular intake of vital substances. The Viptamin Complete Forte Multivitamin offers you an all-round supply of all essential vital substances. Of course, it also contains tryptophan – the precursor of the happiness hormone serotonin.


Lack of drive, irritability, bad mood, constant fatigue and ravenous appetite? The winter blues say hello and that is not to be trifled with.

Little light causes the increased release of melatonin, which leads to fatigue. Activity decreases, but appetite increases. In order to increase our well-being, we consume more sugary foods. These can increase serotonin levels, but also our body weight. The result is a strain on the body and the psyche – a vicious circle.

To break this cycle, for example, walks in the fresh air, sporting activities, the enjoyment of beneficial events and, ultimately, social contacts are important [1]. The latter are often severely cut back due to current circumstances, which further complicates the situation.

The way we eat also has a decisive influence on our well-being. Why not use this time to try out healthy recipes? Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits every day – the more colorful the better. Your constant companion, the immune system, will reciprocate. 

In order to be optimally supplied, I additionally recommend the regular intake of vital substances. The Viptamin Complete Forte Multivitamin offers you an all-round supply of all essential vital substances. Of course, it also contains tryptophan – the precursor of the happiness hormone serotonin.


Superfluous medication

At the latest with the recent time change the darker half of the year has arrived. Less sun means a much lower vitamin D intake.

Vitamin D deficiency, while not exactly like James Bond, has a license to kill.
But: A vitamin D deficiency is noticeable by fatigue and muscle weakness, depressive mood, susceptibility to infections and rickets.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread. Just 38% of the German population meet the officially prescribed minimum standard. 62% are even significantly lower. You already know that these official values just ensure a minimum supply.

Do you know what’s good for you? This is a question that each person must answer for himself. I can tell you what it’s not, though. Millions of people take them every day – we are talking about statins. They are supposed to lower blood cholesterol levels – and they do. However, taking statins can be associated with significant side effects. Muscle pain to increased risk of diabetes are just some of the associated problems. However, cholesterol is essential for life and most of the body’s cells produce it themselves. Our brain is 10% cholesterol. The transport of cholesterol in the blood occurs through lipoproteins [1]. LDL cholesterol is such a lipoprotein, i.e. a fat-protein compound that enables water-insoluble substances to be transported from the liver to the body’s cells. There it is then used for hormone production and cell membrane building. However, too high LDL concentration can lead to vascular calcification [2]. The good counterpart of the evil LDL- is the HDL cholesterol. It transports cholesterol in the opposite direction, namely from the body cells to the liver, where it can be broken down. It thus counteracts vascular calcification [3]. These two opponents are therefore engaged in a constant battle and ultimately decide on your state of health.

Large-scale studies have long since shown that the intake of magnesium achieves exactly the same effects as those of statins: lowering of LDL cholesterol; reduction of heart attacks, strokes, angina, etc. [4]. So, why doesn’t your trusted medical professional just prescribe a magnesium then? Maybe this one doesn’t even show up in his database. In contrast to the products of the pharmaceutical lobby, the vital mineral magnesium cannot be patented and is also much cheaper than corresponding medicines.

In the end, making your own lifestyle changes is a far more sensible step than hoping for salvation in pill form. A healthy and predominantly vegetarian diet, plenty of exercise, a healthy body weight and avoiding alcohol and nicotine are efficient measures to keep the body healthy [1,2,3]. To be on the safe side, you should provide your body with all the vital substances it needs on a daily basis.

Further reading
[1] Spiegel article from 12.03.2012:
[4] Rosanoff, A.; Seelig, M. S.. (2004). Comparison of mechanism and functional effects of magnesium and statin pharmaceuticals. J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 2004 Oct; 23(5):501-505.Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone softening and osteoporosis, especially in the elderly [1].

Do you ever get mad?

Do you know the following complaints: Skin problems, constant fatigue, heartburn, obesity and problems with your teeth? Acidosis is a widespread and not to be underestimated problem in our society.

Surely you have already heard a lot about the acid-base balance in the human body. The unbelievably large variety of highly processed foods, in particular, nevertheless quickly confuses this complex system. For the optimal functioning of the body’s metabolic processes, we need a balanced acid-base balance, i.e. a pH value in the blood of 7.4. Regulation takes place via various buffer systems in the body as well as the lungs (through respiration), the liver and the kidneys.

The foods we eat have a huge impact on our acid-alkaline balance. Vegetable foods as well as magnesium-rich mineral water have an alkaline effect and, if taken in sufficient quantities, can make the use of medications, especially acid blockers, unnecessary. Animal foods, such as meat and sausages or dairy products, but also sugary sodas, such as cola, etc., quickly cause a negative acidification effect.

A vegetarian diet is especially recommended if you have problems with acid regurgitation, heartburn or similar acid-related complaints. Those who find this very difficult should aim for a balanced mixed diet. Food combining or fasting, on the other hand, are not suitable methods for acid reduction. In some circumstances, they can even have the exact opposite effect. In general, you can assume that a diet rich in vegetables and fruits has many benefits for your body and its performance function [1].

Daily exercise in the form of walks in the fresh air and sports activities promote the cardiovascular and immune systems and also prevent other diseases such as diabetes [2]. In addition, the acid-base balance is brought into equilibrium. Avoid unhealthy stress and build rest breaks into your daily routine. Nicotine and alcohol have a negative influence and lower the pH value. Every now and then, bitter foods should also be included in the diet, as they are good for the liver. Make the most of it and always pay attention to the signals your body is giving you – it will thank you for it.

Literature reference
[1] Siener, R. (2011). Acid-base balance and nutrition. Nutrition Review 10/2011, pp. 562-568.

The 007 - sun hormone

At the latest with the recent time change the darker half of the year has arrived. Less sun means a much lower vitamin D intake.

Vitamin D deficiency, while not exactly like James Bond, has a license to kill.
But: A vitamin D deficiency is noticeable by fatigue and muscle weakness, depressive mood, susceptibility to infections and rickets.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread. Just 38% of the German population meet the officially prescribed minimum standard. 62% are even significantly lower. You already know that these official values just ensure a minimum supply.

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone softening and osteoporosis, especially in the elderly [1].

Since our body can produce vitamin D itself under the influence of sunlight and does not necessarily have to be ingested with food like other vitamins, it represents a hormone precursor.

But why do we need this fat-soluble vitamin at all? Vitamin D is involved in cell division [1] and regulates calcium, phosphate, muscle and bone metabolism [2]. In addition, the higher the vitamin D intake, the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes [2, 3].

The fact that corona patients with a good vitamin D supply have a demonstrably milder course of disease [4] continues to be suppressed politically.
You can’t patent a vitamin, it’s just cheap to have and therefore not interesting for all the big companies that control politics.

Do you feel good about leaving your personal health care to the government leaders of the world? Fear and ignorance can be used to make people dependent. The belief in an all-salvation vaccine as a savior is on its way to becoming the new religion. If you tell a story long enough it eventually becomes a religion. But it doesn’t make it any truer.

I’m not saying a vaccine won’t do any good. But: To focus on a single method is a mockery of human intelligence and creativity. Nature offers so many inexpensive and simple measures that could be taken up by governments and communicated on a large scale. Unfortunately, the general public is still far too unaware of this potential, and much more information about it should be provided by official bodies.

And one more thing about vitamin D: Solariums mostly produce UV-A and not the required UV-B rays, which is why this approach promises little success.


Proteins - the protein in our body

About 17% of our body weight is determined by proteins. They form the basic building blocks of all cells in our body. Our skin and hair, our muscles and organs, and some hormones are made of proteins.
In the body, there is a constant build-up, breakdown and conversion of proteins. The liver can only store a very limited amount of protein, which is why a daily protein intake is important.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. For the human body, 21 amino acids are relevant. We cannot make nine of these ourselves, which means we have to eat them.

Among these vital nine is tryptophan. Tryptophan is the sun in the amino acid universe because it influences our social behavior and well-being. It lowers aggression and provides relaxation. It has an antidepressant effect and promotes memory.
Although you may never have heard of tryptophan as a word, you have certainly heard of the happiness hormone serotonin. Serotonin is formed from tryptophan and our body can produce this itself, as long as we always supply it well with tryptophan.

Our organic protein has an excellent amino acid composition and a very high tryptophan content. The best way to save money is to combine it with our Complete Forte.

Kofranyi, E.; Wirths, W. (2008). Introduction to dietetics. 12th edition, Umschau Verlag, Neustadt.

Schek, A. (2013). Dietetics compact. 5th edition, Umschau Verlag, Taunus.

Young, S. N.; Leyton, M. (2002). The role of serotonin in human mood and social interaction. Insight from altered tryptophan levels. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 71(4):857-65.

Who knows the A-B-C well, also appreciates the zinc element

One of the most important trace elements in the human body is zinc. We harbor a zinc stock of about 1.5 – 2.5 g in us. Zinc belongs to the indispensable vital substances of all living beings and must therefore, due to a lack of storage capacity, be supplied regularly through the diet. Since it is involved in almost all metabolic processes, an optimal zinc supply should always be guaranteed. However, this is influenced and limited by many factors. For example, the intake of supposedly sufficient zinc may result in an insufficient amount being available to the body due to poor bioavailability. Whether antioxidant, growth, digestion, regeneration, immune defense, sensory functions, skin, hair, nails as well as acid-base balance and much more. – Zinc is involved everywhere and is present in more than 300 enzymes [1]. Life without zinc would not be possible.

Misleading and at the same time problematic are the information on the recommended daily dose and the information on the intake of zinc. Thus, the recommendation is often to take zinc fasting [2]. However, taking it this way quickly leads to stomach pain, which is why I don’t recommend it. The simultaneous intake of protein and zinc is particularly recommended, because only through the zinc can the amino acids develop their potential, such as muscle and bone formation. The risk of zinc deficiency is particularly evident in children, adolescents, seniors, pregnant and lactating women, athletes and vegetarians [3]. However, the following risk groups are also affected: Allergy and neurodermatitis sufferers, diabetics and people with chronic inflammatory diseases.

A healthy diet is the basis for an adequate zinc supply. This can be additionally supported and optimized by supplements. Our product recommendation, which contains all indispensable vital substances, as well as zinc: Viptamin Complete Forte. You can get this quickly and inexpensively





Do not confuse your food with your medicine

The Greek physician and founder of scientific medicine Hippocrates of Kos is credited with the statement “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This quote sounds great, even though few people are likely to follow it. Nevertheless, this statement is not found in any of Hippocrates’ numerous writings [1]. So-called “fake news,” or twisted facts, are something we encounter in life all the time. Whether knowingly spread falsely or asserted out of sheer naivety, they are annoying.

False statements confuse us and tempt us all too quickly to pass them on to those around us. How often have you already received a warning from good friends via email or WhatsApp that another virus is on the loose and that messages with the sender XYZ must not be opened under any circumstances, because otherwise all data will be deleted? Such a widespread hoax is called a “hoax” and often just typing the first sentence into an online search engine is enough to expose its falsity.

The refutation of hoax news is less simple with regard to vital substances. Perhaps you too have heard reports that vitamins and minerals are not healthy or even cause illnesses, that we take far too much of them anyway or that the body will somehow get everything it needs from the food we eat?

Healthy people do not need dietary supplements – this is the constant tenor of often self-proclaimed experts. It is often the same protagonists who do much to ensure that there are neither pesticide bans in local agriculture nor labelling for foodstuffs in which animals are fed with genetically manipulated feed. Is this mere coincidence or merely an expression of excellent lobbying?

The scientifically recognized, current National Nutrition Survey II [2; 3] reveals to us the state of the German population:

More than half of all men and women are overweight

Too high a consumption of animal foods and too low a proportion of plant foods

Lack of knowledge about the risks of unbalanced and excessive nutrition

Partially insufficient supply of vital substances (vitamins D and E, folic acid, iodine)

Interestingly, some positive results in vital substance supply are achieved precisely through additional supplementation.

A modern medicine man – often called a family doctor – listens to your story, then asks you 1-2 more questions and looks at his screen to see what remedy of cutting-edge medicine he can prescribe for the symptoms in question. The manufacturers of the drugs are often the same manufacturers of the pesticide that is used on the agricultural land. What did we go to the doctor for again? Oh yeah, somehow I’ve always been so uncomfortable after dinner lately….




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