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21 perfect food

Eat strong: These foods will give you more power.

You really don’t need supplements to stay healthy and strong.
If you eat a balanced diet of healthy foods, you won’t need any additional resources.

Nine foods for 130 % more mental strength

You can meet your daily calorie needs through fast food, of course. Fast food provides you with carbohydrates that are quickly processed by the body, providing glucose quickly. If you ever find yourself in a “thinking slump” and need a quick energy boost for your brain, “fast” carbohydrates can help.

In the long run, however, you should treat your brain to better things, namely minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium or phosphorus. Plus vitamins B, E and C as well as secondary plant compounds and omega-3 fatty acids to keep you mentally fit.

Such a balanced diet increases – compared to fast food – your mental performance by over 130%.

The nine foods that will make you more mentally efficient are:

  • Carrots
  • Millet
  • Pears
  • Nuts
  • Quark
  • Cottage cheese
  • Fat fish
  • beetroot
  • Linseed oil

Twelve foods for maximum Muscle power and energy

  • Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Cereal
  • Eggs

fat and
are the be-all and end-all as an energy source for your muscles. The body absorbs the proteins and fats more slowly and thus the energy lasts longer. Refrain from further meals for the next 2 hours, otherwise your body will be too busy digesting during exercise and will not be able to perform optimally.

2 hours after exercise, you should eat foods that support the regeneration of the body and muscles. Now you can have a few carbohydrates in addition to proteins, which are quickly converted into energy. These include: Rice, quinoa, cereals, eggs.

Such a diet can increase muscle performance by up to 8%. Building muscle is an important issue for everyone at any age. Everyone needs strong muscles to get through everyday life upright. Especially for older people muscle building is an important topic. This is because muscle mass slowly decreases due to hormonal changes in the second half of life.

For muscles to grow, they need protein. Because the amino acids contained in protein are the building material that make up your muscles. The right combination of protein and carbohydrates contributes significantly to muscle growth and also increases the body’s ability to recover after exercise.

Delicious protein-carbohydrate combinations include: Wholemeal bread with cottage cheese, potatoes with egg, potatoes with cottage cheese, rice with chicken breast, salmon with rice and soy shake with fruit or other protein shakes.

  • Wholemeal bread with cottage cheese
  • Potatoes with egg
  • Potatoes with curd
  • Rice with chicken breast
  • Salmon with rice
  • Soy shake with fruit or other protein shakes

Now to supplement a balanced diet our Viptamin Complete Forte with all Buy vitamins and minerals

We have even more products on offer - for all those who strive for optimum health, e.g. you can buy our high-quality ubiquinol or take a look at all the products in the range.
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Protein, age and our immune system

Protein, age and our immune system

As we age, our nutritional needs change: We need a quarter fewer calories, but even more protein than when we were younger. After the age of 50, we lose an average of one to two percent of our muscle mass – every year.

In addition, since the appetite decreases, it makes sense to take a protein powder of the best quality – because you have to take much less of it than of powders of mediocre quality. Not only that:  With protein and some strength training, you can build muscle again, even reset your genes to young a bit.

But protein is also indispensable for the immune system: All immunocompetent cells – i.e. those that contribute to the immune system – consist of protein. This means that when protein levels are low, immune cells are also low. An adequate amount of protein in the blood is therefore a condition for a functioning immune system. Why exactly this is so and what else we can do for our immune system, you can find out here.

More protein record

Only a century ago, electricity from the socket and the spread of cars were not a matter of course. Therefore, the average person at that time consumed 4000-6000 calories. Proteins were involuntarily consumed in the amount of food in greater quantities than today. Meanwhile, the need for calories has been reduced to less than half, so that, as a rule, less protein is supplied. This problem can be solved by eating fewer carbohydrate-rich side dishes and choosing more protein-containing foods instead. Unlike carbohydrates, proteins are essential for life. Easier than getting the protein you need through food is to supplement protein.
Many people use protein shakes to lose weight, but they can also help the immune system.

What else can you do for your immune system?

In addition, it is necessary to “ventilate” immunocompetent cells, which is achieved with mild endurance exercise, which significantly increases the immune response. As I’m sure you know, that’s not the only way endurance exercise is good for you – so put on your running shoes or hop on your bike.

Auddauersport works wonders for your immune system.

It is also important that the amount of the stress hormone cortisol is not increased. Excessive stress hinders immune processes. This is also evident in the fact that organ transplant patients have to take cortisone preparations in order to suppress rejection reactions by the immune system against the foreign organ. If the organ comes from an identical twin, however, this is not necessary. In all other cases it is necessary to lower the immune system with medication. Cortisol is the most potent catabolic hormone, so its amount should be limited. This can be achieved with meditation, relaxation exercises and mild endurance sports.

Give yourself a break. Your immune system will thank you.

It should also not be neglected that the immune system is closely associated with the intestine or a healthy intestinal flora. There are more bacteria in the intestine than cells in the entire body. A disturbed intestinal flora often leads to food intolerances, allergies, the so-called leaky gut syndrome, neurodermatitis and other problems. In orthodox medicine, however, the physiological intestinal flora is hardly considered. Although colonoscopies are performed, these do not allow the intestinal flora to be viewed or analyzed.

Bio Protein

Moderate endurance sports and a healthy serenity in everyday life help the immune system a lot. If you want to do even more, a good protein powder is a fantastic idea – because our immune system is made of protein. Only when the amount of protein in the body is sufficient, your immune system can function.

We have even more products on offer - for all those who strive for optimum health, e.g. you can buy our high-quality ubiquinol or take a look at all the products in the range.
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Build up immune system

Our immune system is the most important factor when it comes to staying healthy.

How well your immune system functions determines whether the invasion of viruses, bacteria and other foreign bodies into your body leads to an infection, or whether you remain healthy. In addition, the immune system has many other functions – but that would go beyond the scope of this article.
In this post, you’ll learn why the immune system is so important, roughly how it works, and what you can do to build your immune system efficiently and sustainably.

The best defense we have

So taking care of a good immune system is always a good idea. Of course, a well-built immune system is particularly useful and helpful during the flu season or when the common cold is making its rounds again – because with a good immune system you protect yourself and your environment. But how exactly does it work?

A highly complex system - easy to grasp

Immune system is a gigantic term – for a system whose functioning is so sophisticated and complex that we still have not fully understood it. We do know quite a bit about the structure, though:

Certain parts of the body function the way they do to keep foreign bodies out from the start. If this does not succeed, there are many different cells that can become active in our body in order to render the intruder harmless in the most diverse ways – and even the things that we understand as “being ill” are ultimately often only reactions triggered by our immune system.

In depth, it’s quite elaborate. What we can do to get the immune system up to speed, however, is ultimately very simple because of one important fact:

The part of the immune system that we can influence – namely the functioning of all these cells that are involved in the smooth running of an immune response – have something in common. In very simplified terms, it is 1.5 kilograms of protein flowing through our bloodstream. How well or poorly we supply the body with protein determines the extent to which granulocytes, macrophages, helper cells and all the other cells that are part of the immune system are present in sufficient quantities.

But that’s not all. These cells need vitamins, minerals (e.g. zinc) and trace elements (e.g. selenium) to function. These vitamins in turn need other vitamins and excipients to function properly.

So our goal is to provide our bodies with enough protein and vitamins to give the immune system the strength it needs.
This works through nutrition – and thus provides for the basic needs of most people. If you prefer to play it safe, we have a better idea: our immune package ensures normal functioning of the immune system.

Spar-Bundle Forte und Bio Protein

Our immune package for you

Viptamin Complete Forte is our multivitamin – in our opinion, the best on the market – because we never compromise when it comes to your health. It provides all the vitamins your body needs, in high concentration and from natural sources. In our immune package we have combined it with our organic protein, which we have developed to the same high standards, and whose excellent amino acid profile can be optimally processed by your body.
The result is our immune package. It is slightly more expensive than other multivitamins or protein products, but its quality is unmatched. Try it out!

Complete Forte & Organic Protein

available immediatelySaver subscription
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All vitamins All minerals All trace elements
No additives Cross flow ultrafiltration
No sugar
300 grams of powder Viptamin Complete Forte is enough for 1 month

Our immune package for you

Spar-Bundle Forte und Bio Protein

Viptamin Complete Forte is our multivitamin – in our opinion, the best on the market – because we never compromise when it comes to your health. It provides all the vitamins your body needs, in high concentration and from natural sources. In our immune package we have combined it with our organic protein, which we have developed to the same high standards, and whose excellent amino acid profile can be optimally processed by your body.
The result is our immune package. It is slightly more expensive than other multivitamins or protein products, but its quality is unmatched. Try it out!

Complete Forte & Organic Protein

available immediatelySaver subscription
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Take out the Bio Protein saver subscription now and save 5%!
This subscription can be cancelled at any time.
All vitamins All minerals All trace elements
No additives Cross flow ultrafiltration
No sugar
300 grams of powder Viptamin Complete Forte is enough for 1 month

We have even more products on offer - for all those who strive for optimum health, e.g. you can buy our high-quality ubiquinol or take a look at all the products in the range.
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Switch to a better multivitamin now!

Switch to a better multivitamin now!

Your usual multivitamin is out of stock or you’re unhappy with the results you’re getting from it? Take the chance now and convince yourself of the quality of our Viptamin Complete Forte. You will notice the difference!

What makes Viptamin so high-quality ?

The number of multivitamins that you as a customer have to choose between is hard to keep track of. In addition, it is very difficult to know what is important in a multivitamin without specialist knowledge. Unfortunately, this often leads to suppliers dosing their products too low, omitting important amino acids, trace elements and antioxidants, or throwing vitamin combinations together in such a way that the price is right in the end, without paying attention to synergies between the vitamins and other important effects.

You can find a detailed overview of the points that we think are significantly better in the following table:

Viptamin Complete Forte

Our high quality multivitamin
  • All vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements
  • Optimal, modern dosing
  • Builds on quality and valuable synergy effects
  • Without artificial. Colourings, preservatives and flavourings
  • High-quality, particularly well bioavailable raw materials
  • Comes in an environmentally friendly organic paper bag
  • The only product you need to take
  • 100 % vegan
  • With the plus of the best from nature, for example organic vegetables, gingko, turmeric, MSM and organic coconut oil.

Multivitamin from other manufacturers

  • Vital substances are often missing
  • Mostly too low dosages
  • Often builds on possible favourable formula
  • Often useless or harmful ingredients
  • Mostly the cheapest possible raw materials
  • Is usually packed in unnecessary plastic
  • Must usually be supplemented by many other products
  • Mostly animal ingredients

The most sophisticated multivitamin on the market

The price of Viptamin Complete Forte is not low at first glance. If you take a closer look, however, you will notice that not only is the dosage of the vitamins significantly higher, but we also attach importance to optimal absorption by your body, for example by combining fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamin C, not ignoring the important amino acids that are all too often missing, considering synergistic effects, using valuable plant substances and producing all this in organic quality, processed according to Swiss quality standards and our Viptamin Purity Law. Here you will find only pure, natural energy.

Take the chance and try it out!

If you want to switch to another multivitamin, take your chance and switch to the one we think is the best.

Be sure to compare the ingredients and dosages of your last multivitamin with that of Viptamin Complete Forte. If our composition convinces you, try it. We are sure that you will feel the difference.

Multivitamin Complete Forte

available immediatelySaver subscription
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All vitamins All minerals Trace elements
Amino acids

We have even more products on offer - for all those who strive for optimum health, e.g. you can buy our high-quality ubiquinol or take a look at all the products in the range.
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