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7 fatal mistakes with dietary supplements

A few weeks ago, we went over some of the mistakes made with supplements. We reported that impatience and misinformation are often at the root of the problem, that there is no “best” nighttime supplement, and that both price and trends can be irrelevant.

We’ve revisited this important topic for you and today we’ll show you three more points to watch out for.

* Source: German Food Association

Food supplements are not pain pills

Dietary supplements are not remedies for acute symptoms such as headaches. Nutritional supplements replenish your stores so the body can right itself. Nature itself is then at work. There is nothing more ingenious than the intelligence of our own body. The purpose of nutritional supplements is to support this process so that it can function optimally.

For your sake, say goodbye to the idea that supplements taken individually will make you feel better. It doesn’t. For example: calcium is a prerequisite for strong bones. But this does not work without vitamin D, because vitamin D controls this build-up in the first place. And without vitamin K2, the calcium does not reach the bones because K2 has to take over this transport. Without K2, there is a risk of calcium calcifying the blood vessels because the calcium you take in isolation is so deposited in the blood vessels. Vitamin D, on the other hand, can only function if enough vitamin A and magnesium are present.

The blood check at the doctor does not bring enlightenment

You do a complete blood count at the doctor’s office and you know what nutrients are lacking. You then only have to get these from the pharmacy and you have solved the problem. That would really be too good to be true. Except, unfortunately, that doesn’t work in reality. In fact, only a few vitamins, minerals in the blood can be determined in such a way that they really allow a solid statement about the actual situation in the cells. Often only a snapshot is shown, and this can vary from day to day, influenced by countless factors from everyday life. It is true that if there is a major deficiency, it is usually discovered.

Another point is that, fortunately, more and more young doctors are becoming interested in nutritional supplements, but this discipline is unfortunately only a marginal part of their training. This is referred to as the field of orthomolecular medicine. So if you want to get advice from a doctor about nutritional supplementation, find one who knows about orthomolecular medicine.

Be critical

The food industry explains to us why the new XY preparation is the absolute ultimate. The pharmaceutical industry, on the other hand, has a paper written that says dietary supplements are hokum and should be avoided. Both instances take a one-sided stance and both represent their very own profit strategy. The former must sell, the latter must displace the competition.

When you hear such apparently “colored” information in the future, prick up your ears and be skeptical. You don’t always see at first glance where the information originally came from and then marvel at who is putting it out there. We as consumers are often misled in this way. Therefore, always remain vigilant if the scattered information seems too one-dimensional to you.


If you want to make it easy for yourself, you trust the opinion of others or consume what is fashionable at the moment. However, this usually goes wrong because everyone has a different lifestyle and therefore different needs for their ingested food. Of course, we all need adequate magnesium, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and so on. But there is no way around dealing with your own nutrition in order to find out what you need. When you do this, always remember:

  • Food supplements only have the right effect when they are embedded in a holistic, healthy diet.
  • The quality of nutritional supplements is quite crucial
  • Food supplements do not replace a healthy lifestyle
  • A good product always covers all the vitamins & co. that the body needs on a daily basis. Depending on the definition, this is around 50 pieces.

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Ihr Mehr-Wert mit Viptamin Komplett Forte

Wir haben nachgerechnet: Wenn Sie alle in Viptamin Komplett Forte enthaltenen Vitalstoffe einzeln bei Amazon kaufen würden, dann müssten Sie fast doppelt so viel zahlen.
Inhaltsstoff Menge pro 22g-Messlöffel Preis bei Amazon
Bio Reisprotein 8g 0,216 €
Vitamin A Palmitat 900 μg 0,809 €
Thiamin 40 mg 0,149 €
Vitamin B2 50 mg 0,028 €
Niacin 77 mg 0,027 €
Vitamin B6 15 mg 0,019 €
Folsäure 800 μg 0,033 €
Vitamin B12 250 μg 0,019 €
Biotin 340 μg 0,015 €
Pantothensäure 50 mg 0,015 €
Vitamin C (basisch) 800 mg 0,611 €
Vitamin D3(100% vegan) 50 μg 0,021 €
Vitamin E (100% natürlich) 134 mg 0,073 €
Vitamin K1 100 μg 0,090 €
Vitamin K2 (MK7 aus nat. Natto) 100 μg 0,027 €
Magnesium 418 mg 0,108 €
Kalzium 335 mg 0,018 €
Kalium 400 mg 0,325 €
Zink 20 mg 0,177 €
Mangan 2 mg 0,032 €
Selen 200 μg 0,087 €
Kupfer 1 mg 0,050 €
Chrom 80 μg 0,058 €
Methylsulfonylmethan (MSM) 500 mg 0,661 €
Lutein 20 mg 0,311 €
Acerola Kirschen natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,012 €
Acai Beeren natürlicher Extrakt 50 mg 0,006 €
Aronia Beeren 50 mg 0,002 €
Cranberry Früchte 50 mg 0,006 €
Rote Bete biologisch 2600 mg 0,233 €
Brokkoli biologisch 500 mg 0,016 €
Kohl biologisch 500 mg 0,133 €
Kurkuma 800 mg 0,019 €
Sägepalm Extrakt 50 mg 0,014 €
Ginkgo Extrakt 50 mg 0,019 €
Grüntee Extrakt 45% ECGG 50 mg 0,011 €
Zitrus Bioflavonoide 70 mg 0,013 €
Quercetin 50 mg 0,028 €
Hesperidin 15 mg 0,020 €
Rutin 10 mg 0,004 €
OPC aus Traubenkernextrakt (95%) 50 mg 0,013 €
Resveratrol 50% 10 mg 0,014 €
Lycopin aus Tomaten 20 mg 0,432 €
Astaxanthin Komplex 3 mg 0,125 €
Tocotrienol Komplex 20 mg 0,141 €
Acidophilus, Thermophilus, Bifidus, Bulgaricus 250 mg 0,111 €
Cholin 10 mg 0,003 €
Beta Glucan 200 mg 0,089 €
GESAMT Kosten pro Tag: 2,82€

Kosten pro Tag: 5,44 €