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Finally Understanding Carbohydrates – Part 2

Finally Understanding Carbohydrates Part 2

In the first part, we have already summarized what really matters when it comes to carbohydrates. Since this topic is so important for a balanced diet, we’ll shed some light on it for you in this 2nd part.

Our brain has not yet adapted to the large amount of carbohydrates

Walk into a supermarket today and carbohydrates are ubiquitous. Pasta, flour, rice, puddings, sauces, convenience products, sweets, snacks … they’re all dripping with it.

No one has to make any more effort for this. On the contrary, the challenge is to find something without carbohydrates in the mass of food.

So keep your eyes peeled – carbohydrates are among the mandatory information on foods, so after all, it’s easy to look up which food is high in carbohydrates and how.

The years-long trend of labeling fats as fatteners hasn’t made it any better. How do you think the diet industry gets food tasty without fat? Of course, with carbohydrates mostly in the form of hidden sugar.
We hardly ever eat food as it comes directly from nature. ” Processed food” is the name given to all foods that have been processed by humans in some way. It starts with ground grain and ends with frozen pizza. This food is bursting with carbohydrates and unhealthy fatty acids. Proteins and vital substances degenerate into a minor matter. The relationship between energy and building blocks gets completely out of kilter.
So it’s not the carbohydrates per se that are a problem, but the excess of them in relation to the good fats, vital substances and proteins.

To combat this carbohydrate power, you will find an assortment of vital substances, proteins and healthy omega 3 fats at Viptamin.

Of course, you can now sit back and wait a few centuries until our brain has adapted to the new conditions and no longer rewards us for eating carbohydrates. Eventually, your offspring will get to the point where you are no longer rewarded for carbohydrate intake with instant feelings of happiness.

Evolution takes time and that’s a good thing, because otherwise every short-term change would basically reprogram us and much of it would have been unnecessary in the long run.

What can you do to improve this situation?

  • Be careful not to consume empty carbohydrates. Just skip the bread, pasta and rice.
  • Instead, replace empty calories with foods that contain carbohydrates along with healthy fats, vital substances or proteins : Nuts instead of chips or vegetables and fruit instead of chocolate. Millet, quinoa or oats instead of wheat. Buckwheat instead of rice.
  • Increase their share of proteins and vital substances: eat more vegetables or legumes, for example. Also, supplementing your diet with our multi-preparations restores balance in your diet.
  • Replace saturated fatty acids with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Eat more fish and more nuts, use olive oil and canola oil instead of lard or sausages, and reduce animal fats.
  • Dare to experiment and have one meal a day without carbohydrates, preferably the evening meal. This way you relieve your blood sugar level, sleep better and wake up in the morning without hunger.

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Understanding carbohydrates at last

Understanding carbohydrates at last

If you want to know more about how to eat sustainably healthy, you can find a lot of contradictory information, especially about carbohydrates. That’s why we’ve summarized what really matters.

Carbohydrates as a component of our food

If we look at our food, we can divide it into four groups:
Carbohydrates are exclusively pure energy suppliers. Think of them as paper. Paper burns quickly and violently. Can you use well to light a fire. But to make it burn in the long term, you need other substances. In the body, these are fats, proteins vital substances such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, trace elements. They build you up and make you strong and capable in the long run.

Vital substances, fats and proteins do not only provide short-term energy. They also provide building materials for our body cells, organs, make happy hormones and build our immune system.
In short, they keep us healthy in the long term.

Aha-knowledge No. 1:

Carbohydrates = Short-term pleasure

In today’s mainstream, almost everything is focused on short-term enjoyment. The mainstream person then also feeds on carbohydrates for the very largest part. Fits. But is that what YOU want? After all, it is the mainstream that is too fat in old age and not those who consciously eat sustainably with vital substances, porteins and healthy fats.

They get the engine running, at full speed, immediately

Carbohydrates = pure energy

Sounds very good at first. We can use energy in our strenuous everyday life. But there is a flip side to the coin.

Our energy consumption is not designed for an excess of carbohydrates in our modern diet.

All carbohydrates are sugars

Carbohydrates are nothing more than sugar in various forms, but in the end they are still sugar. Carbohydrates taste particularly sweet and can be utilized by the body extremely quickly. They are mainly found in convenience foods, bread, pizza, sweets, pasta and fruit. They burn just like paper, fierce, fast and hot.

Unfortunately, even the fructose in fruits is not healthier than other sugars. Vegetables are therefore significantly healthier than fruits.

If we eat these extremely quickly available substances, we feel it immediately. The blood sugar level skyrockets, we experience a real energy boost, which unfortunately is usually short-lived, because the body quickly counteracts. In general, these carbohydrates are delicious but only useful in small amounts.

For a long time, carbohydrates were something special

Carbohydrates are ideal for our glucose-demanding brain, which sets up a tricky reward system to get us to eat them.

Fruits were an important source of energy for early humans. If he could find a sweet piece of fruit, it was high-calorie food and important in times when people didn’t get food from their refrigerators at home but had to work hard for it. Something like that was immediately rewarded by the brain with dopamine, so that as much of it as possible was eaten.

Every time you eat something that contains carbohydrates, your brain releases dopamine and rewards you for it. Eating carbohydrates is pleasant and creates a good feeling. This innate preference has become harmful necessary in modern industrialized countries, as we have far too many carbohydrates in our food supply.

Preventing obesity instead of fighting it

Considering what carbohydrates do in our bodies and the effect they can have on our weight, an Einstein quote comes to mind:

“A wise person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it”

In other words, be wise. When it comes to weight, take precautions right away and avoid overdoing it with carbohydrates. Rather, ensure a balanced diet in which vital substances, fats and proteins play the main role.

Soon we will continue with the second part

If you want to learn more about a healthy diet, the topic of carbohydrates is extremely important. Therefore, there will be a second part on this topic for you shortly. If you’d like to know more and be notified when Part 2 is released, feel free to sign up for our newsletter!

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The benefits of protein are underestimated – part 2

The benefits of protein are underestimated - part 2

In part one, we already reported that protein is the most underrated nutrient in our diet, why its benefits are so great, and how you can best benefit from it. In this second part, we will go over different protein sources, how these proteins differ from each other in quality, and which protein is particularly good and tolerable for the body.

Important: the source of protein

You should definitely be clear about where proteins come from. Depending on the animal or plant source, the amino acid profile of proteins differs. Proteins from slaughterhouse waste, while very favorable to manufacturers, may be contaminated with pathogens and contain drugs and hormones. Low quality whey protein (Whey) can lead to acne and fatigue. Inferior proteins of animal origin can cause elevated blood pressure, increased risk of type II diabetes, increased risk of bone fractures, and kidney stones. Bovine Meat and Milk Factors (BMMF) have been found in conventional cow’s milk, which can cause chronic inflammation and increase the risk of colon and breast cancer. That is why we rely on organic quality.

I estimate that currently not even 0.1% of all protein powders on the market come from controlled organic production.

Vegetable or animal protein?

Vegans and vegetarians prefer plant-based products, which can also be good sources of protein. However, such carry the risk of being contaminated by pesticides or genetically modified. In addition, the vast majority of plant proteins lack an essential amino acid.

Vegetable proteins are generally less efficient, but they are by no means inferior.

Origin also counts

Products from distant countries should be viewed critically if the origin, treatment and breeding of the raw materials cannot be traced. There, regulations and controls regarding the use of antibiotics and pesticides as well as production methods are much less strict. An EU organic label provides assurance that controls are actually in place. We are also regularly inspected by an inspection body for EU certification.

Quality through unique methodology

In order to obtain a product of maximum purity and optimal effect, we have used 2 special techniques in the production of Organic Alpine Protein:

Cross-flow ultrafiltration mimics human cell membranes through the ultra-fine pores of the filters. In this way, only valuable nutrients pass through the membrane, while a large proportion of harmful substances, unnecessary fat and lactose are optimally filtered out.

Cold processing of proteins ensures that the proteins retain their natural form and function. Heat would destroy their three-dimensional structure and render them largely ineffective.

Overall, our product offers clear added value that you will not find on the market in this combination.


The organic protein from Viptamin

Our organic alpine protein clearly stands out against conventional products. It:

  • comes from controlled organic skimmed milk from the Austrian Alps (EU organic certified)
  • Contains an optimal amino acid profile with high valence
  • contains amino acids for the formation of glutathione, the strongest antioxidant in our body
  • Contains amino acids that contribute decisively to muscle building
  • Is of exceptional quality and purity
  • is free from additives, such as flavors, preservatives and sugar
  • was completely freed from possible harmful substances, lactose and fats
  • was processed with care for protein

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Folic acid from Viptamin

folic acid viptamine

Does it make sense to take folic acid alone?
No. Folic acid alone is not enough.

folic acid folate

A few years ago, the DGE discovered that it was wrong. In Germany, the DGE determines how much of a vitamin is officially recommended. She was wrong in her assessment of the folic acid value. And she had the courage to admit that and just put out the recommendation to take more folic acid.

In the U.S., it was quicker. There, although not everywhere, they are leaders in the field of research into the optimal dose of vitamins. This USA has required by law since 1998 that folic acid be added to bread, flour, cornmeal, rice and pasta. The reason was congenital malformations in children and heart attacks caused by too high homocysteine. These occurred more frequently in people with low folic acid status.

Folic acid can do much more

walnuts folic acid

But folic acid can do much more, namely put you in a good mood. Except for the liver, no other organ contains as much folic acid as the brain. There’s a good reason for this: folic acid can put your neurons in a good mood. How does she do it? It participates in the production of the happiness messengers serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. 

Folic acid in its bioactive form as folate

Folic acid in its bioactive form as folate , as we use it, is a vital vitamin for metabolic processes in the cell inside. So that’s where it’s decided how well you’re doing. Folic acid is important for the immune and nervous systems, normal mental function and reducing fatigue. Folate is also useful for maternal tissue growth during pregnancy, amino acid formation, and blood formation. All highly central processes in the body. Without sufficient amino acids no immune system and without vital blood no energy. Folic acid, by the way, can be found in the foods in our picture above.
folic acid folate
Complete forte

The better choice

You see: Folic acid can do a lot of good for your body. Even more so if you combine it intelligently and ensure that it can be optimally processed by the body.

Taking a high-quality, high-dose multivitamin ensures that. We recommend our Viptamin Complete Forte because it brings your body everything it needs in a sophisticated blend.

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Viptamin cartoons

Our Viptamin cartoons exclusively for you!

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Treat yourself to an optimal immune system

As you can see, you can support your immune system by making sure you get the best possible supply of all vital substances and especially amino acids found in high-quality protein.

For this we recommend our Viptamin Complete Forte, which contains everything you need. If you take both daily, you will strengthen your immune system and create all the conditions for optimal health.

Vitamin B12 for your heart

vitamin b12 heart

Vitamin B12 for your heart

Stuttering, racing or palpitations are symptoms that one in five people in Germany has experienced at least once (1). The overarching term for this is cardiac arrhythmia.

What are the causes, how can it be treated early and how does vitamin B12 help? That’s what this article is about.

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins for us. Without vitamin B12, there is no cell division, no growth, no red blood cells and no functioning nervous system.

Where B12 comes from: Vitamin B12 is produced by the bacterial flora in the digestive tract and is therefore only found in animal products: especially meat, fish and dairy products. You must eat it every day.

One thing in advance: taking B12 alone is not enough to get rid of your symptoms. B12 is only useful in combination with other vital substances.

How can vitamin B12 support your heart?

vitamin b12 heart

Vitamin B12 contributes to energy metabolism, reduction of fatigue, immune and nervous system function. You can see that this is a very important vitamin.

If the vitamin B12 level is too low, homocysteine cannot be completely broken down in the body and vascular damage occurs in the long term. Homocysteine is a substance that occurs in the body. High levels of homocysteine in the blood can damage blood vessels and the brain and are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and depression. For the detoxification of homocysteine, the body needs, among other things, vitamin B12.

The consequences can be heart disease.

Good to know: The German Nutrition Society has increased the recommendation for daily intake of vitamin B12 from 3.0 to 4.0 micrograms.*

This shows how serious even the large institutions, which often take longer to implement, are about providing a good supply of B12.

Unfortunately, vitamin B12 absorption from food is often prone to disruption, so supplementation makes sense.

In Germany, in fact, 33! Millions of people with the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori infected. Some feel nothing, others have heartburn because the bacterium increases the secretion of gastric acid. The bacterium can lead to gastritis. Scientists have found that infection with
Helicobacter pylori
can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. 2, 3

This problem unfortunately increases with age.

Everything in the body interlocks - B12 alone does not work

Like all substances that the body needs, it is also the case with B12 that its optimal functioning again depends on other substances. Here are two examples:
  • If you are low in B12, one of the reasons may be that you are also low in B6 – because a B6 deficiency worsens the body’s ability to absorb B12
  • If you have too little B12, there is a high risk of folic acid deficiency because the normal functioning of folic acid metabolism depends on vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 and folic acid work together in the bone marrow on your blood formation. Too few red blood cells means chronic fatigue. ¹
You guessed it: these two examples are not the only ones that depend on B12 and the mentioned affected substances (folic acid, B6) have for themselves again different dependencies of other vital substances. So, most of the time, a deficiency of a substance is an indication that you need to supplement all together.

* D-A-CH reference values for nutrient intake; data for adults, according to DGE e. V.;

1 Kantar Health survey 2015 commissioned by Trommsdorff Arzneimittel.

2 Kaptan K, Beyan C, Ural AU, et al. Helicobacter pylori–is it a novel causative agent in vitamin B12 deficiency? Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(9):1349-1353.

3 Xia Y, Meng G, Zhang Q, et al. Dietary Patterns are Associated with Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Chinese Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study. Sci Rep. 2016;6:32334.


Complete forte

The better choice

You see: Vitamin B12 can do a lot of good for your body. Even more so if you combine it intelligently and ensure that it can be optimally absorbed by the body.

The good news is that you don’t need any cumbersome vitamin B12 injections. The intake in combination with other vital substances is completely sufficient as studies show.

Taking a high-quality, high-dose multivitamin ensures that. We recommend our Viptamin Komplett Forte, because it provides your body with 57 vital substances everything it needs.

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